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You Could Save up to
30% on Tuition
and Graduate up to 30% Faster
Your 3 Steps To Success
Accreditation by ACBSP
ACBSP accreditation certifies that the teaching and learning processes within the business degree programs meet the rigorous educational standards established by ACBSP.
Faster Degree Completion
We offer you the opportunity to earn college credit for what you already know and earn your degree faster.
Personalized Education
CTU's Bachelor in Business Administration program has the opportunity to develop niche skills by pursuing a concentration. This better equips students with the skills and knowledge beneficial to their career
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You want an effective education.
Here’s the problem: Most online universities function just like a traditional, physical school. Their
curriculum paths are set in stone and don’t offer personalization.
Online education can be better...
Introducing Intellipath™, a personalized
learning system
by CTU that arranges
course material completely around you.
Call and ask about CTU Fast Track, where you can save up to 30% on tuition and can graduate up to 30% faster!
Connecting you to a Powerful Professional Network
At CTU, we can help you build out your personal brand by connecting you to what matters most – faculty with
real-world experience, industry professionals and over 85,000 alumni. Our teachers can bring real-world knowledge to our curriculum, allowing you to be more prepared for today’s challenges, and know how to tackle the hard-hitting problems of tomorrow.
